Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Resolve ; essential for achieving any meaningful success

Resolve - (noun) strong determination to achieve something. It's amazing what we can achieve when we focus , or better still, set our minds to do something . I know a lot of us reading this are familiar with positive thinking , but i promise to take a new angle to this .

I want to look at this this way. How badly so you want something? . Anything , money, success, fame , a spouse , a job ? . Look at what you are willing to do to achieve it . Make up your mind to engage in a particular activity, particularly those that will move you closer to your goal . Invest in relevant skills and you are certainly a step forward in the right direction.

In the journey of life , small steps or victories count , better still , add up to the overall success we record or achieve . How often do we say we could kill for something , or , we could give an arm or a leg for something? . If we were to be taken by our words can we actually lie up to what we say ?. This my friends , is where resolve comes in . When you are ready to do what is necessary , committed to a pursuit , you must make certain decisions . Resolve leads you marching into the foray , but it is your preparedness and perseverance that sees you through .

My pastor recently said that the world is tougher than most of us are psychologically prepared for . I agree , because if we are not well primed for the challenge , chances are we may not record the desired level of success we set out for . Frankly , I think that a lot of us are not taking the most, or making the most we can out of our lives . It is worthwhile for us to resole that we will achieve certain results without losing or contravening our core calues . I , by experience , have come to notice that this is not as impossible as most people make it seem .

At the end of the day , when life as we know it comes to an end , what will we have achieved? . What successes will we have recorded ? . Think about it .

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