Monday, September 7, 2009


The power to choose is the greatest of all human abilities. Choice - the ability to pick from amidst several options . Choice stems from the duality or higher frequency of options available. Life can be viewed as a script that is effectually a long list of choices . The ones we make as we grow up or go along the way.

Certain choices however, are pivot points that actually determine how quickly we get along in life. Productivity for instance , actually rests on the choices we make. We can choose to invest our time wisely, or , enjoy more leisure .

Prevailing conditions or situations can influence your choices . You may very well decide to base your choices on things that are actually pressing or important situations . Assume you need to raise a certain amount of cash . You will most likely step up your revenue-generating activities at the expense of liabilities and extra-budgetary expenditure.

We are faced with economic , emotional , spiritual and so many other choices on several planes, on a daily basis ; Choices generally, shape the outcome of our lives.

We need to make the right choices . Eat right , dress right , live right , parent right , study right , spend right and the list is endless . It's not just enough to be prepared to live with the outcome of our choices . In Economics, there must always be a rationale behind the making of choices . Any choice employed without any proper reasoning is irrational! . Imagine yourself being branded as an irrational being , is that what any of us want ?.

Economically we can decide to grow a stronger tomorrow. As such we may decide to forego certain expenditure . Letting go of certain things to which we have emotional/sentimental attachment actually entails making a difficult choice . It is immature to run away from the effects of the choices you make .

I can choose not to write this blog , but i choose to reach out to someone out there . You can do the same . Choose to be something , make a difference , contribute positively to your environment . The best way to actually achieve something is to overcome inertia and start doing something towards that particular pursuit or endeavour . I always say that the possibilities are endless .

Next time you are faced with a choice , take a moment to think . Consider what you value most in life . The things you value most can always influence your decisions . Remember , you live with your choices .

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